The Batman - The Batman Film I've Waited My Whole Life For
The Batman I don’t think I’ve ever been more hyped for a movie, and we had "Dune" last year. I am a massive fan of Batman and this had all the elements of what I liked about the character from comics like “The Long Halloween” and so forth. I tried my best to keep my expectations at a reasonable level but I don’t think I could have done it. I was able to go to an early fan screening and it was an awesome experience. We even had a cosplayer. I relentlessly defended Pattinson and Dano because I knew they would be great despite people hating on them. I knew they would kill it in these roles and they do. I am overjoyed to say that "The Batman" lived up to everything I wanted it to be! I am honestly still in shock after watching it. I don’t know if I’ll be able to correctly articulate my thoughts on this movie. Thankfully, I will be seeing it two more times this week so I’ll be able to get all my feelings and check on how I feel about it. The Batman is exactly the type o...