Parasite - Overrated But Brilliant

Parasite - Overrated But Brilliant 

It's been a long time coming, but I've finally seen <i>Parasite<i>! I went in with pretty high expectations considering this movie beat out many great films in 2019 and is one of the highest-rated movies on this site. Does <i>Parasite<i> deserve the status it has? I'm going to say no. Is it a great film? Without a doubt. <i>Parasite<i> was a riveting film from the very first minute. The movie moves with such mastery and effortlessness. I was just astounded on many occasions by Bong Joon Ho's masterful direction. He might deserve that Best Director win. Some of the tricks he does throughout the film are masterful. The movie was a beauty to watch.  While I am giving this a 9/10, the directing is a 10/10 without a doubt. We've got one of the best montages of the century here that was some very riveting stuff. Ho's given us some of the best directing of the decade. Everything this movie goes for, they succeed effortlessly. The performances are great, and I think our lead here might have deserved a Best Actor nomination because the guy has some great moments that aid this already great material in some powerful ways. The ratio of realism and over-the-top craziness that happens in the third act's execution was perfect. Bong does an excellent job at creating suspenseful moments out of simple concepts and ideas, and that's one of the things that makes this movie so special to me. I also thought that the themes that this movie held felt period-appropriate. The political ideas that Bong brings in are some of the best I've seen done in a long time. The way Bong deals with class politics is brilliant. He doesn't pay  The same as the rich wife. This movie is great because Bong Joon Ho's masterful direction hits every note on the dot. It reminds me a lot of <i>Amadeus<i> where every not is perfection, but it isn't as good as <i>Once Upon A Time In Hollywood<i>, the best film of 2019 and certainly not one of the best films ever.  Nonetheless, it's still a strong recommendation.

Strong Recommend

