My Love Letter To The Dark Knight
It's been a day since I finished recording The Dark Knight episode for The Movie Maniacs Podcast. Naturally, I rewatched The Dark Knight so I could have it fresh on my mind going in. I'm here to say that if you listen to the episode out now on Spotify I think The Dark Knight holds up spectacularly. I don't think it's a perfect film anymore though. They never pose a problem for the film, at least in my eyes. I understand how it would hinder people's love for it but it doesn't for me because everything is so good. I just love how many layers are in this film where I pick up on more details. Ledger's performance is truly fantastic but I found myself really enjoying Gary Oldman's performance as James Gordon. Some of the issues I found were in the dialogue. Nolan has never been that suttle with dialogue and there are some lines that aren't subtle but aren't necessarily bad. With the Joker it works really well because he is such a wild character. Something that I could at least understand people having a problem with is the Two Boat plan. It's probably not the best plan Joker has come up with. I still think it's one of the best superhero film endings. I know normally that a film in someone's top five needs to be perfect and while technically The Dark Knight is not a perfect movie it's still one of my favorite movies because I love this world, and it's characters. All those little nitpicks are all overshadowed by the greatness of the performances, action, and look of the film. The Dark Knight is my favorite superhero movie and the best made.
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