7 Interesting Differences I Found Between the Movie Foxcatcher and What Actually Happen

7 Interesting Differences I Found Between the Movie Foxcatcher and What Actually Happened

By: Noah Newcomb

Possible Spoilers Ahead for Foxcatcher

Disclaimer: 5 and 7 come directly from Mark Schultz. I find Mark to not be a reliable source so take his words with a grain of salt.

  1. Mark Schultz had already tried drugs before he met du Pont - A key part of the movie is du Pont being a bad influence on Mark. A key example of that being du Pont introducing drugs to Mark. Mark would later come out and say that he had already done drugs before coming to Foxcatcher. Yes, he and du Pont did do drugs together but du Pont was the one with the real problem. 
  2. Mark and Dave Schultz were never on Foxcatcher at the same time - In the movie, Dave and Mark are on Foxcatcher for quite some time. Mark actually left Foxcatcher farms in 1988 while Dave came in 1989 until he was killed by du Pont in 1996.
  3. There was no sexual relationship between du Pont and Mark Schultz - In the movie, there are hinted elements of there being a sexual relationship between du Pont and Mark. Mark Schultz bashed this movie hard for hinting at that. "Leading the audience with a feeling that there could have been a sexual relationship between du Pont and I is a sickening and insulting lie. I told Bennet Miller to cut that scene out and he said it was to give the audience the feeling that du Pont was encroaching your privacy and personal space. I wasn’t explicit so I didn’t have a problem with it. Then after reading 3 or 4 reviews interpreting it sexually, and jeopardizing my legacy, they need to have a press conference to clear the air, or I will,” he said on Facebook.
  4. Du Pont was never coached by Mark in a wrestling match - Du Pont wrested himself but was never taught or coach by Mark as the movie implied. Du Pont was coached and taught by other wrestlers at Foxcatcher.
  5. Du Pont and Mark's relationship was never as close as the movie shows - Mark and Du Pont are very good friends in the movie and their relationship is one of the main things in the movie. Mark said that he and Du Pont were never that close. Mark says that he was suspicious about du Pont form the beginning. He said that it was very rare to see du Pont sober or not high. He interrupted Mark's training regularly and even confronted Mark and his girlfriend at their house with a  gun, threatening to kill her. Mark intervened. 
  6.  Du Pont never fired a gun in the gym - Du Pont shoots a gun in the gym while people were training at the ceiling. Du Pont did carry a gun on him a lot due to his paranoia. People were always uneasy when he was walking around with his gun.
  7. Mark did not leave Foxcatcher because he was not training well - John du Pont kicked mark off the farm because Mark was being lazy and not training. Mark later came out and said he left because he got an offer at Utah for a coaching position at BYU. I said Mark might not be telling the truth so take that in mind. 
Other Information and Source for the Differences Between the Movie and What Really Went Down

